Dating market revenue

Dating > Dating market revenue

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Of course there are sites aimed at specific religious or ethnic groups, but there are also those who aim to match couples with very specific interests. Thanks to the growth of such sites, the industry has expanded at 3. Analysts expect the acceleration to continue over the next five years. Target marketing, changing demographics, and decreasing stigma about online dating are continually bringing new users to fore. That growth is already beginning to attract investors. The field is already crowded, with almost 3,900 companies running dating sites. The report projects the industry to add about a hundred companies per year over the next four years. The biggest web dating companies have a huge lead over the competition—two control more than 40 percent of the market. The stats are staggering. Of 19,000 couples married between 2005 and dating market revenue, more than a third met through an online dating site, according to a. Last December, more than 1 in 10 American adults visited dating sites, spending more than an hour a day there on average, according to Market research company Nielsen. In 1970, just 28 percent of American adults were single; today, the share is 47 percent. Plus, more people are getting online all the time— as of last May, up from 42 percent in 2006. Disapproval has gotten especially rare among 20-somethings, who grew up with web dating as the norm, says eHarmony spokesman Grant Langston. Online daters now spend more time on dating apps than they do on the sites themselves. Offering geo-dating apps, which allow smartphone users to locate potential dates nearby--has become almost dating market revenue prerequisite for keeping up in mobile. Emerging sites appealing to them include. Meanwhile, specializes in setting May-December relationships. The biggest players also are adding cross-over lines of business.

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